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[2016 Recap] A Few Of My Favorite Things
bless Topsters for assembling this graphic infinitely easier than prior years
Surpriiiiseee!! I'm going to do my year end wrap up differently than most of the ones I've seen. Mostly because I have so many to share, but mostly because I like to let the music do the talking and help you get better connected to the artists themselves. Instead of recaps of each record, I'm going to point you to my favorite tracks so if any of these are new to your ears you'll have the best starting point I can give you.
Personal Observations for 2016
This was a weird year for me in terms of listening/discovery habits. Instead of fighting against music consumption trends, I decided to play along. I dove head first into my Discover Weekly playlist. I even followed some of my friends' in order to see what I would find and set up an IFTTT recipe to archive everything recommended to me so I could go back and reference it later if I wanted. I barely touched my SKOA inbox, which probably upset a lot of publicists. Anyway, according to Last.FM's data (since Spotify never ended up sending me mine), I listened to 1,919 new artists this year, which is ABSOLUTELY INSANE. But really when you think about how much music Discover Weekly puts in front of you, it's really less than what everyone had the potential to check out (which is 1,560 if you figure we get 30 new tracks a week for a year). I am in the 98th percentile in music listening per Last.FM (meaning I listen to more music than 98% of people who still scrobble to Last.FM) and I found myself panicky and overwhelmed by the sheer volume of music that Spotify thinks I can get through on TOP of the music I already love and want to enjoy, or the random rabbit holes I end up falling into that typically bring me great new baby bands. I guess most people approach Discover Weekly differently than I do, letting artists come and go as they please, but knowing the transformative power that music possesses, I'm always wary of passing on an opportunity to be affected and share those experiences with others.
It's crazy to think that 20% of what stuck with me this year was randomly generated by The Algorithm and not delivered to me by humans. I almost said that the human delivery was through cosmic forces, but really, if music finds its way to your ears/hearts by friend or by Algorithm, both are cosmic in a way, no?
This is my struggle at present. I value the connection that happens when a humans experience music together, whether it be by recommendation or attending shows together. I worry this experience will continue to be diminished the more we silo ourselves into our algorithm-based echo chambers. I really hope I'm just out of touch and someone will point me to where this is the opposite, but I can't ignore how self-serving shows feel now every time I treat myself to a Night Out. This has been on my heart/mind too much lately to ignore it, so expect some changes to how things go down on the site (starting with making more time for this now that my new job isn't crazy busy for awhile).
What music moved you this year? Did you like some of these records but different tracks? I'd honestly love to know so please drop me a comment. Also if you want more than favorite tracks out of me for these records, feel free to bug me on Twitter I am happy to share!
My Favorite Things Of 2016
#NewMusicFriday Guide - 04/29/2016
You Wont - Revolutionaries
My two new favorite goofballs put out an album today! You Won't isn't officially #SKOAfam yet, but don't worry, it will happen soon enough. Maybe at one of their two shows in NYC next week? Talk about being #blessed! Anyway, this record could not have come out at a better time. The winter is finally leaving us, it's getting warm out, and you'll find yourself reaching for this record when the sun is sittin' pretty on your face. It's got the right amount of twang that will make you shake your groove thang just like this:
Aesop Rock - The Impossible Kid
I have been thoroughly looking forward to this album since the second I heard "Rings" a few months back. The payoff for patiently waiting was certainly worth it, especially with last week's album stream, which was the most excellent of previews/"spoilers". ICYMI, it's a shot by shot recreation of The Shining and you absolutely have to see it for yourself if you haven't already because it's amazing.
I will be counting down the minutes till I get to hear this live at Irving Plaza on June 13th, that's for sure. Nice work, Aesop!
Brian Eno - The Ship
Our electro-lord has released more music today. Do I really need to tell you about this? You should know about this already. I am just making sure because our, um, Views are a little obstructed right now on the internet...if you know what I mean.
I really liked Ghost Culture's self-titled album from last year so I was pleasantly surprised to learn that he had a couple of new tracks out today. These just further confirm that I need to own the self-titled on vinyl. I thought micropennies were enough love for this record, but his craftsmanship on both releases shines through enough that this is worth the shelf space for me.
Calvin Harris - "This Is What You Came For"
The jury is still out for me as to whether or not this is going to be *The Song Of The Summer*. This is subtly very awesome. It's really quite lovely. Rihanna's vocal is great. There is a reason why Calvin has a messload of sales plaques on his walls and it shows in the production value for this track. People will certainly listen to this a lot this summer.
All that said, it just... ehhhhhhh. I don't think lightning is going to strike twice for him + Rihanna. I will probably listen to this to get ready to go out, but not trip over myself to make sure I dance to it.
Zedd (feat. Kesha) - "True Colors"
Okay we need to have a discussion about this. I have seen too many people say that they're disappointed by this track considering this is Kesha's big return post- Dr. Luke drama.
Seriously? Shame on you. That just further shows how real the struggle is going to continue to be for Kesha because she was launched into stardom courtesy of some party anthems. You really think she was going to step out with a banger the second she was able to legally open her mouth?
Sit. Down.
Please take a moment to reflect on what she is saying and be grateful that she was able to create her way through a lot of pain. Also, let us be thankful that Zedd knew better than to try to make this about him by going big on the production. Sure, her return is more understated than was anticipated, but she even says so herself: "I've escaped my captor and I have no master."
Kesha, I'm glad you're back, bb.
Man Power - Planet Cock EP
You should know by now that in addition to trying to not be completely crushed under the weight of what goes through my inbox that I also just like skimming AllMusic to see what might look interesting. The pairing of an artist called Man Power with an EP called Planet Cock... I am clearly a grown up who did not laugh to myself at all...heh. That's a lie, obviously.
Clearly I had to give this a spin just for the sake of my sanity and it's actually pretty great. I've since had a look around at his catalog and intend to check out more of it in the weeks to come. I will probably start with his 2014 EP, Flacid Trax....
Sorry, it's Friday. I can't be an adult today to save my life. lmao
Magic Sword - The Legend EP
Holy shit I forgot this was even happening and now it's happened and I'm just a wreck. Apparently there was a little bit of darkness in me because The Seeker and The Keeper aka Magic Sword just SLAYED ME with this EP. Wow. Wow. Wow. I really have zero chill about this right now, jfc. This is the first of a series of EPs that also will have a correlating comic to continue to tell the Magic Sword saga. You can find the first one for their debut album, Volume I over on their website.
Holy good #Sheezus in heaven the guitar solos on "The Curse" quite literally have me unable to do anything other than shout, "GOOD LORD!" at the moment. WOW.
These guys were still one of the most fun interviews I ever did for #SKOARadio (not to mention the most hysterical meetup arrangements for an interview). I should probably not leave that committed to audio indefinitely.
Matt Lange - Patchwork
#SKOAfam Matt Lange has followed up last year's Emphemera LP with another gorgeous heady string of dark dancey tunes. It would appear the mau5trap has continued to be good for Lange from the sounds of this EP. This is *ABSOLUTELY* a record you listen to first with your good headphones because the homey has very meticulously pieced this all together, so this is me looking out for your your first play through to be the best it can be.
(This is terribly awkward that I'm realizing that I just featured two artists back to back with interviews that I aired on #SKOARADIO but never transcribed and shared through. I guess I know what I'm doing over the weekend....)
Holy Ghost! - Crime Cuts
Holy! Ghost!! is! back! I almost forgot this EP was coming out today but Twitter fam is always lookin' out for my ears, which I guess means they're looking out for yours, too. Anyway, YAY Brooklyn bands! This EP is solid. I really wish that Panorama weren't their only upcoming show in NYC at present. That is kind of like saying you can only have hot dogs inside Yankees Stadium in the summer or something imo. I'm sure more dates will be announced soon. Fingers crossed anyway.
Panty Raid - After Glow
lol I know why this record is called After Glow. It's because the album is pure sex and by the end of it you will be feeling the afterglow of what it did to you. I guess you could say the overall theme that Panty Raid is going for is being executed well.
[Listen] Grimace Federation - The Measure in Mixture EP
I'm back to the ye' olde stomping grounds! And it's New Music Friday? Sorry it's something I haven't gotten used to yet. But anyhow, a long time ago in the heyday of SKOA we featured content from this awesome Experimental/Psychadelic/Jazz rock band from Philadelphia called Grimace Federation. I came across them way back before the days of writing about music due to their association with rapper Aesop Rock who was curated a remix on their debut LP Tasted By Chemists. The group later would release another LP in late 2010 titled On Velvet which also featured another remix from Aesop for the track "Bosico" but after that release over 4 years ago they would disappear into obscurity.
However, it seems like the band is back with a vengeance and have released a new 4 track EP titled The Measure in Mixture through indie hip hop label Rhymesayers Entertainment. The track features 2 new original tracks from the band as well as 2 new remixes from long time collaborator and Rhymesayers artist Aesop Rock.
Rhymesayers have also released a limited edition 12" vinyl of the EP which you can pick up at FifthElementOnline.com. The 12" was pressed on a transparent clear vinyl with a cloudy, white haze effect, and also includes a free digital download card. So if you are like us here at SKOA and love your analog recordings, we highly suggest you head over to Fifth Element and pick up that beautiful record or if you like your music digital (BOB DIGI!), you can grab the EP on the following places: iTunes, Amazon, Google Play or stream it below via Spotify.
- The Measure In Mixture
- Strange Hours
- Strange Hours (Aesop Rock Remix)
- Steamboat (Aesop Rock Remix)
[SKOA Presents] Some Kind of Mixtape: June 2012
Summer is finally upon us! It seems almost everyone far and wide is caught in a nasty heat wave. Now that the season is in full swing, it's time to grab the coldest of beers, put on some sunscreen, toss on some killer jams and make the most of all of the sunshine. Of all the mixes we've made up to this point, I think all four of us can agree that this is the one we're the most pleased about. It seems the warmer it gets the tracks just get better and better.
Make sure to follow us over on 8tracks if you happen to enjoy the mix below. As always, you can learn more about why we've chosen the tracks that we did after the jump!
<3 <3 <3
kibbe, rocko, shey, & adrian
Summer is finally upon us! It seems almost everyone far and wide is caught in a nasty heat wave. Now that the season is in full swing, it's time to grab the coldest of beers, put on some sunscreen, toss on some killer jams and make the most of all of the sunshine. Of all the mixes we've made up to this point, I think all four of us can agree that this is the one we're the most pleased about. It seems the warmer it gets the tracks just get better and better.
Make sure to follow us over on 8tracks if you happen to enjoy the mix below. As always, you can learn more about why we've chosen the tracks that we did after the jump!
<3 <3 <3
kibbe, rocko, shey, & adrian
The Fresh & Onlys - "Yes Or No"
Coming from humble beginnings in San Francisco The Fresh and Onlys have released a decent back catalogue of music. We've not had a full length from them since back in 2010 when they dropped Play It Strange but later this year on September 4th they'll return with a new LP titled Long Slow Dance, via their new home at Mexican Summer. This track is the perfect introduction to the band and is the lead single from the forthcoming release. Check out "Yes or No" below and look out for more tracks in the build up to release. —Shey
Maximo Park - "Hips and Lips"
Maximo Park take me back to being a kid and blasting music out of my bedroom window in the summer months whilst jumping on my trampoline. You know, as you do. When I heard they'd announced a new album I was anxious, you can't help but not be when a band you like is making new music. What if you hate it? The led single from The National Health, "Hips and Lips" is as infectious as the classics. A statement and a band back on form. Paul's vocal delivery will ring around your head for the rest of the day after you hit play and I bloody love it. —Shey
Aesop Rock - "ZZZ Top"
About a week away from his upcoming release Skelethon, Aesop Rock dropped the second single from his forthcoming LP alongside an awesome fucking video (SERIOUSLY GO WATCH IT) for the tune "ZZZ Top". It's been a good 5 years since Aes' last solo outing and this time around he's solely producing without his buddy Blockhead or El-P for the first time. The album also marks Aesop's first solo release away from Definitive Jux (currently on hiatus). But no worries Aesop is good hands with Rhymesayers, who along with Def Jux were the top indie hip hop labels of the new millennium. However, back to the music, "ZZZ Top" is filled with filthy cut drum breaks, razor sharp guitar riffs provided by Dirty Ghosts and that signature wordplay Aesop is known for making this track one of our favorites. —Rocko
Cruiser - "Moving To Neptune" (from his Cruiser EP)
After discovering Cruiser through our good friends at Listen Before You Buy, I immediately loved the blissful, summery sounds of the Philadelphia-based solo artist. It's not just the feel good nature of his songs that stood out, though, but rather his fantastic instrumentation. "Moving To Neptune" is the perfect example of Cruiser's multi-layered approach, as he blends layer upon layer of beautifully timed melodic guitar riffs. The result is something so enjoyable to listen to. From the moment I heard it, it became a welcome addition to my summer listening. His debut self-titled EP comes highly recommended, so make sure to head over to his Bandcamp page to check it out. —Adrian
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - "I'll Come Back 4 U"
After a very successful debut LP, UMO drop the a taste of their upcoming yet to be titled for this year's Adult Swim Singles Program with the tune "I'll Come Back 4 U". The lo-fi psych rock tune may not be as funky as the group's well known single "How Can You Luv Me" but definitely carries that signature sound and catchiness that UMO is known for. After getting this wonderful taste, we are highly anxious to see what the band has in store for us later this year. —Rocko
Slow Magic - "On Yr Side"
Each release Slow Magic puts out impresses me more than the last, and "On Yr Side" is no exception. The song is just so crisp, with each pulse-pounding drum hit and every perfectly-timed synth note coming together in such a memorable way. The tone of the song deserves props, too, as it delivers a tense yet engaging experience, one that you will want to repeat over and over again. I don't know how Slow Magic pulls it off, but in no way am I complaining. —Adrian
Harlan - "Dirty Laundry"
Covers are a tricky thing. They can be yawn worthy if the covering artist basically carbon copies the orignial track, but if you transform it a little too much a lot of times the emotion doesn't get refocused and is lost somewhere. Harlan's cover of Don Henley's "Dirty Laundry" is neither of those things. Harlan is respectful of Henley's work but isn't afraid to add his bits of grit, polish and funk along the way. Been following this guy for awhile now, you should, too. —kibbe
Alt-J - "Tessellate"
Alt-J (∆) have been gaining a decent following and gaining rave reviews wherever they set foot and with the release of their debut in May the ball is continuing to roll and build pace at a rapid rate. The album, An Awesome Wave, has been playing none stop on my iTunes recently and this track is a great little tease of what the album has. "Tessellate" has a bit of everything. Piano, funky bass lines and a big drum beat. Get familiar with this band. Plus, any band who share my love for triangles are cool by me. —Shey
Poolside - "Slow Down"
With the temperature continuing to rise in NYC I have been daydreaming up ways to beat the heat. My mind keeps wandering to the large pool in McCarren Park that just opened up. Since hearing LA duo Poolside's latest track, "Slow Down", every single time that I have the urge to go swimming this song pops in my head. Certainly the rather simple music video for the song didn't help any with having that thought drilled into my brain. Gotta say, pretty bummed that their album, Pacific Standard Time, doesn't drop until next week, I have a feeling this would have been perfect for the inevitable daytime summer grilling on Independence Day. —kibbe
Brother Ali - "Stop The Press"
It's been a long 2 years for Brother Ali who has been constantly touring and been working on his upcoming album Mourning In America and Dreaming In Color entirely produced by Jake One. The first single "Stop The Press" documents Ali's journey from the recording of his previous album US to the present and all the heartache and success Ali's been through over the last few years. Even with the constant touring Ali has been putting work all year with releasing various free tracks and an emotional but amazing (and FREE) EP The Bite Marked Heart amping new and old fans up for the release of his new LP. There's note doubt in my mind that Brother Ali is going to have one of the top albums of the year especially after hearing all that he's put out so far which has been nothing but natural quality music. —Rocko
Purity Ring - "Fineshrine" (from their forthcoming album Shrines out July 24th via 4AD and Last Gang)
This is the second time Purity Ring has appeared on our mixtape series, and rightly so. The Edmonton duo becomes more impressive with each song leading up to the release of their debut full-length Shrines, and "Fineshrine" is the perfect example of how good that full-length will be. Megan James' vocals are once again a highlight, as they deliver the emotional core of the song, but add to that the amazing production of Corin Roddick to make it a standout track. Roddick masterfully blends heavy-hitting percussion with the duo's distinct gothic synth sounds, seamlessly tinkers with James' vocals, and paces the song incredibly well. "Fineshrine," and everything Purity Ring puts out, is worth your attention. —Adrian
Dragonette - "Rocket Ship"
From their upcoming September 25th release Bodyparts, Canada's Dragonette dropped their latest single "Rocket Ship" for the world to hear. I can't explain what it is about singer Martina Sobara's voice that i find so endearing, but I never end up feeling bad after hearing songs from their previous albums or any of the other tracks that she's done guest vocals for. She always sounds so playful but sassy with a dab of sexy in it at the same time, much like the music that accompanies her. I still can't believe they've challenged their fans to create a version of one of the unreleased songs from the forthcoming album just based on the lyrics. If you're up for for it, you have until mid-August to submit something. Until then, I'll just be waiting for the new album —kibbe
[Watch] Aesop Rock - "ZZZ Top"
If I wasn't already in full Kung Fu movie mode after bumping every Wu Tang album all month and watching the trailer for The RZA's new flick The Man With The Iron Fists, Aesop Rock drops this EPIC (see: DOUBLE EPIC) video for the newest single from his upcoming album Sketethon, "ZZZ Top" featuring none other than Patti Li aka gold medal winning Chinese Wushu martial artist Hao Zhihua and directed by Pete Lee. The track also features production from our good friends Dirty Ghosts but thats enough of the details. I'm going to just stop talking and let you enjoy the awesomeness.
Skelethon drops in two weeks on July 10th via Rhymesayers Entertainment. Go preorder the album from Fifth Element or on iTunes.
[Watch] Aesop Rock - "Zero Dark Thirty"
Hip Hop is coming back with a vengence this year! And no, im not talking about your mainstream radio rappers/pop hits. I'm talking the once underground/independent scene which has now broke out into the public eye with artists such as Atmosphere, El-P, Brother Ali, Doomtree and more. And this year, indie hip hop label giant, Rhymesayers plans to deliver with awesome new releases from I Self Devine, Brother Ali, P.O.S. and this man, Aesop Rock. Don't believe me? Check out the video for Aesop's latest single "Zero Dark Thirty" above which is set to appear on his upcoming album Skelethon dropping this July on Rhymesayers. After you're done basking in it's greatness, head over to Fifth Element Online to preorder the brand new album.
If this isn't enough goodness to hold you over until July, check out our latest SKOA monthly mixtape which features a track from Aesop's upcoming collabortive project, The Uncluded, with singer/songwriter Kimya Dawson titled "Bats". If that doesn't hold you over, keep looking around SKOA for fresh new music. If that doesn't hold you over, then shit...You need new ears.
[Listen] The Uncluded (Aesop Rock x Kimya Dawson) - "Bats"
Been fiending for some new Aesop Rock since hearing his latest single "Zero Dark Thirty" from his upcoming album Skelethon? Then check out his latest collaboration with singer/songwriter Kimya Dawson, better known as The Uncluded and their Record Store Day single "Bats". We first posted about this collaboration back in February of last year when Aesop Rock debuted new tunes live at ZeroFriends in Los Angeles which consisted of Hail Mary Mallon tunes with Rob Sonic and "Bats" and "Delicate Cycle" with Kimya Dawson. After posting it, we found out from Mrs. Dawson herself that her and Aes were working on collabortive album as well as featuring on each others solo albums as we saw with Kimya's "Miami Advice" and "Walk Like Thunder" from last year's release Thunder Thighs.
If you didn't get your hands on the Rhymesayers Record Store Day single, fear not. You can check out the studio version of "Bats" in the player below and last I heard there are still some copies of the record available at Fifth Element Online. So do yourself a favor and pick that beautiful picture disc up which features sweet artwork by Jeremy Fish and features a new Atmosphere track titled "Someday Soon". If you want to hear more tunes from The Uncluded, check out their Daytrotter session from last year here and get ready for the release of the collaborative later this year after release of Aesop's Skelethon.
[Download] Aesop Rock - "Zero Dark Thirty"
Aes is back with the first single from his upcoming album Skelethon which drops July 10th via Rhymesayers. Peep the self produced cut titled "Zero Dark Thirty" in the player below as well as the creepy album trailer above featuring Aesop's cat Wiskers.