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diSKOAver weekly: Week of July 8, 2020
Here are 16 different ways I love you extra this week. 💖
OH SHIT LOOK WHO’S LOOKIN’ SNAZZZAAYYYYYYY. Yeah last week during my week of media deprivation I decided to pretty up some things around this web log. You like? 🥰
Also I found
music. 🙏🏻
We’re back to 16 tracks a week. That whole doubling up thing was really adorably ambitious of me, especially now that I want to post about all of the things again I don’t want to dread doing this playlist because tbh it’s one of my favorite things to do. It is a labor of love, emphasis on the labor, but you know, whatever.
With that, here are the 16 ways I love you the most this week:
Woodes - ”How Long I’d Wait”
Tumbled into Woodes while checking out last year’s Golden Vessel record (more on him in a few). There’s something so captivating about her that I haven’t been able to put my finger on just yet. She’s practically mystical. Is she secretly a nymph? I need answers. Also she’s got a new song dropping on Friday called “Euphoria” and of course I will make sure you hear it when I do.
Arlo Parks - “Eugene”
When I say that Arlo Parks had me SOBBING for days after I found her that is not even remotely an exaggeration. In addition her penning some of the most deeply personal experiences in a way that will knock the wind out of you, there is something so tenderly piercing about her voice that whatever her words don’t do explicitly her voice is like, “hold up I got this imma make you feel EVERYTHING ok ok”. She recently did a really striking cover of Radiohead’s “Creep” that’s worth checking out, but you definitely have to hear “Black Dog” so you can have a good cry, too.
Nelson Kempf - “Hourglass”
So this is one of 3 tracks that are currently out right now from Nelson Kempf’s upcoming debut album Family Dollar (out on July 24). Apparently Kempf used to be more of a folky kinda musician, but after a decade of hardships he went more experimental. The record touches of the overlooked emotional experience that surrounds poverty. You could say it’s kind of a dark record, but I liken it to how sometimes light finds a way to pierce through a really dark room. Yeah, I guess it’s like that.
Tourist x The Range - “Last”
This is a cool little collaboration that’s a reflection on grief. Apparently as they were writing this they each heard the lyric differently. Tourist could hear, “you know you’re lost”, while The Range was hearing, “you know you’re last”. As Tourist notes, “The duality of that truth resonated with me, as both meanings are applicable when someone leaves us. It has struck a more personal chord recently, as recently one of my dearest friends passed away very suddenly.”
Georgia - “Started Out”
Last year I dropped another track from Georgia in this very playlist series and at some point I somehow reminded myself to check back to see if there was an album , finally got around to listening to Seeking Thrills, and y’all…. what a fucking cool record. I feel like this is a real launching point for her, so you should probably get in on this now.
Teenage Bad Girl - “Keep Up With You”
I’m sorry to be doing this to you, but I am absolutely giving you a band that will probably never make another thing again. I just fucking love good French electro way too much to not pass this along. Teenage Bad Girl existed between 2007 and 2011. I’ve spent the most time with their last record, Back Wash. This track (much like the entire album) has split me between elated and enraged because it slaps so fucking hard but like…this is it. Anyway it’s fucking awesome and you deserve to have this in your arsenal, too.
Cora Novoa - “over & done”
While trying to figure out every last detail about Teenage Bad Girl I crossed paths with their labelmate Cora Novoa (both are on Citizen Records). This Barcelona based bad bitch kinda does it all tbh. In addition to obviously being a music composer and a DJ, she also is the founder and creative director of her own label called SEEKING THE VELVET, which is for electronic and experimental pop music. She’s also an Abelton Official Trainer, music curator, etc. etc. She does a lot. She’s creative as fuuuuck. And she makes really fucking cool techno.
Sam I - “wishin’ (feat. bipolar sunshine)”
Here is me nagging you again to go listen to Random Shit From The Internet Era. This record has something for everyone in it. I would not lie to you. Also like, going to take a moment to throw Sam I some more love because like, all the features on this record are great. Hadn’t heard bipolar sunshine before this. Really loving him.
The Kickdrums - “Sunshine Guy”
I’m always a happy kid when Fitts surprises us with new music. Also dude dropping a track with a lyric “all these nights are blurring together” in the middle of quarantine is so goddamn spot on.
Marlana - “The Right”
So I’m just getting caught up to Marlana but don’t stress that means there’s more than enough time for you, too! She’s got an EP dropping on July 24th called At Least I Tried (which is quite excellent I must say). That said, I would be very fucking rude to you if I did not make sure you heard “The Right” before I get you squared away on everything else going on with this EP.
Nick Leng - “LEMONS”
Thanks to The Algorithm™ last week I came to know Nick Leng, who put out a record called LEMONS a couple of months ago. Things I have learned since thoroughly enjoying the South African born now LA-based singer-songwriter: the album is the result of an emotional breakup, the loss of a friend, and his house burning down - basically all at the same time. 😑 LEMONS. You get it now? Not for nothing though, the record put such a pep in my step that it made me teach myself how to make some bomb ass lemonade within a few hours of digesting the record. There’s a metaphor there, somewhere. I’ll let you find out for yourself what I’m saying.
Golden Vessel - “Hesitate (feat. Emerson Leif)”
I am going to do my very best to not turn this web log into a Golden Vessel fan site, but goddamn it was a really fucking good day when I put on last year’s SLOWSHINE last week. Funny enough, this is not on that record. I just like taking advantage of a 2 for 1 special in showing you new stuff. That said, Emerson Leif’s vocal + the magical vibeyness that is Golden Vessel’s production = yes please.
otta - “Near Enough A Woman”
otta has an EP dropping on Friday! (7/10). This track is not on it! Why did I do that? I don’t know. I guess I wanted to start with the basics with her so you could build to bumping Songbook? And this is like, definitely the basics compared to what you’ll hear on Songbook, which swings in a much more experimental direction. She’s expanding her musical palette and honestly with a voice like hers, she can get away with it.
Diplo - “do si do (feat. Blanco Brown)”
Man I don’t know. Sometimes you just gotta go with the hype. This song is really fun even though my thoughts on Diplo are a mixed bag. I’m trying to occasionally participate in mainstream-ish moments. This was what my ears agreed to this week? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tall Tall Trees - “Deep Feels”
I listened to A Wave Of Golden Things when it came out but hadn’t put it on in a minute. Lotta records are hitting different in quarantine and this one is no exception. I guess the minimal distractions made me notice the little details of this record that I likely missed on the pre-pandemic passthroughs on this album. There’s too many to share in this baby blurb, just trust me. Anyway “Deep Feels” specifically is just a quintessential summer feel good jam IMO.
Stilljill - “Some People”
LA indie psych-pop trio Stilljill recently dropped their debut EP, Waterslides, which celebrates the fluidity of femininity. As they told Ladygunn last week, “Womxn have historically been analogous to water – Sirens, Venus being born from seafoam, water and women as the birth and source of life. Womxn are often conditioned to be fluid or amenable when others won’t in ways that do not always serve us; i.e. compromising needs and desires, shifting ourselves or voices to suit spaces and male egos. Fluidity also means resilience, strength, and adaptability and we find power in that.” Take a second glance at the single artwork for their tracks, specifically the “river”. They are really thoughtful in every last detail of what they’re doing and I really appreciate that.
PS now would be a good time to remind you that you can sign up to get pinged every time I update this playlist, which means a post like this with my liner notes will be sitting in your inbox the literal second I smash that PUBLISH button and drag over the new tracks into the playlist. I am just saying. 😊
#diSKOAverweekly: week of February 26, 2020
Here is your Wednesday update on a Friday. My bad. But I love you, so. There’s that.
Bamily - “Katata”
This song feels like bottled sunshine. You’re welcome.
The Undercover Dream Lovers - “Chardonnay”
This whole album is so chill. Oh yeah, that came out today. Go listen to It’s All In Your Head.
Disq - “Daily Routine”
Looking forward to their debut album Collector, which drops….next week(!!!)
Little Hurt - “It’s Okay Not To Be Okay”
Just in case you need the reminder. 💖
Example - “Back On The Wreck”
Not for nothing dude is crushing it on the self-releasing game. Also like that the pop sheen has kinda worn off and he’s back to making cooler jams like this.
Firstworld - “Groove Is In The Heart (feat. Delia Dane)”
This is one of the best covers I’ve heard in a long time. I was really skeptical with this at first but they really nailed it.
Spencer Ludwig - “Just Wanna Dance”
Just making sure you listen to Spencer while I wrap up this interview so you can love him like I love him.
Niki Black - “The Other Man”
Very happy to see Niki is back with more music. She dropped a really cool video for this too that you should check out.
Madame Gandhi - “Bad Habits”
Had this song on a lot lately to remind myself to be better so passing this along to y’all in case you missed it. Gonna see this bad bitch on March 10th at Elsewhere. Think we’re doing an interview, too!
Joe Publik - “Military Minded (feat. Scorzayzee)”
Missed that his new record Stubborn Vectis dropped last week. Dropped this in as a mental note to check it out.
RJD2 - “Pull Up On Love (feat. STS, Khari Mateen)”
First single from RJD2’s upcoming album The Fun Ones out on April 17th! I’m so happy he’s back I’m not sure if my feet are touching the ground when I walk around listening to this.
Juice - “DiCaprio (Love Me All The Time)”
Juice just shared the music video for this track and announced a headlining tour! Also the clip at the end lololol
LOVER - “Waiting Up (feat. Cult Shøtta")”
Still loving on LOVER. Liked the video a lot for this too.
Ry X - “Oceans (feat. ólafur Arnalds)”
I don’t know how else to explain it but this song feels like you’re coming up for air.
Black Books - “In The In”
Oh shit their EP Cheer Up dropped today! It’s great. Definitely worth a spin.
Grivo - “H.D.C.”
Sad to have missed these guys open for Slow Crush at Saint Vitus earlier in the month. They remind me a lot of old school Starflyer 59, which is why my obsession is slowly intensifying.
[SONG OF THE DAY] Pat Lok - "Fearless (feat. Luke Burr)"
photo credit: Nina Krupa
On the heels of his Corazón EP dropping today, Vancouver born turned recent Los Angeles resident Pat Lok has preemptively shared a cut from the EP, “Fearless” featuring Essex soul singer Luke Burr. The song is a lovely little motivational moment both for us and Pat himself. “In my weaker moments, I often compare my life path to the friends and family I left behind in Canada, and wonder if I'm doing the right thing,” Pat shares speaking on the track, “so this is sort of me in the mirror saying get off your butt. It can be difficult for others to believe in you if you don't believe in yourself first and I hope this might reach anyone else out there who needs to hear it.”
Twitter fam so wise with the heartfelt advice! We loveee!
Go have a listen to the rest of Corazón, dude has delivered a deluge of bops yet again. Bravo, homey!
[SONG OF THE DAY] Bastille - "Joy"
We’re all feeling the joy today, but them Bastille fellas are clearly feeling it the most because those sweeties just announced that they’re releasing a new album, Doom Days, which will drop on June 14th. In addition to the album announcement, of COURSE they shared a first taste and it is just oozing in the glitter and lightning ✨⚡️💖. I was singing along to this bop that won’t stop on the street earlier today and I swear for a second that despite it being overcast and nasty in Brooklyn that the sun peeked out from behind the clouds and was shinning on my face. I don’t think my feet were touching the ground either?
Yeah, it’s one of those jams. Also. Dan’s falsettos in this joint tho…. *chef’s kiss*
In addition to all of this joyous news, the band have also announced that they’ll be hitting the road in North America in September. Some fine print that you should know about snagging tix:
Every online ticket order purchased for the U.S. dates on the fall tour will include a CD of the new album. The pre-sale code will be revealed on the band’s Instagram Stories the morning of the pre-sale launch. The artist ticket pre-sale begins on Friday, May 3, at 10:00 AM local time. Tickets go on sale to the public on Friday, May 10, starting at 10:00 AM local time.
Tour dates, tracklisting for Doom Days, and the GORGEOUS visualizer for “Joy” are all below.
Off you go!
Track Listing – Doom Days
1. Quarter Past Midnight
2. Bad Decisions
3. The Waves
4. Divide
5. Million Pieces
6. Doom Days
7. Nocturnal Creatures
8. 4AM
9. Another Place
10. Those Nights
11. Joy
Bastille – North American Tour
9/16 | Philadelphia, PA | The Met
9/17 | Boston, MA | Rockland Trust Bank Pavilion
9/18 | Laval, QC | Place Bell ^
9/20 | Toronto, ON | Budweiser Stage ^
9/21 | Washington, DC | The Anthem
9/22 | Pittsburgh, PA | Stage AE
9/24 | New York, NY | Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden***
9/27 | Uncasville, CT | Mohegan Sun Arena
9/28 | Richmond, VA | Virginia Credit Union LIVE!
9/29 | Columbus, OH | Express Live!
10/1 | Detroit, MI | Masonic Temple Theatre
10/2 | Chicago, IL | Chicago Theatre***
10/4 | Denver, CO | The Mission Ballroom
10/5 | Salt Lake City, UT | Saltair Pavilion
10/7 |Portland, OR | Theatre of The Clouds @ Moda Center
10/8 | Vancouver, BC | Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre
10/9 | Seattle, WA | WAMU Theater
10/11 | Berkeley, CA | Greek Theatre at UC Berkeley
10/12 | Los Angeles, CA | Greek Theatre
10/13 | San Diego, CA | CalCoast Credit Union Open Air Theatre
10/15 | Phoenix, AZ | Comerica Theatre
10/17 | Dallas, TX | South Side Ballroom
10/18 | Houston, TX | White Oak Music Hall Lawn
10/19 | Austin, TX | Austin360 Amphitheater
10/21 | Birmingham, AL | BJCC Concert Hall
10/22 | Nashville, TN | Municipal Auditorium
10/23 | Atlanta, GA | Coca-Cola Roxy
10/25 | Raleigh, NC | Red Hat Amphitheater
10/26 | Jacksonville, FL | Daily’s Place*
10/27 | Miami, FL | Bayfront Park Amphitheater*
10/29 | Mexico City, MX | Pepsi Center ^**
^ Doom Days album not included with online ticket purchase
*Jacksonville and Miami will go on sale to the public on Friday, May 17 at 10am local time
**Mexico City will go on sale to the public on Wednesday, May 15 at 10am local time
***New York and Chicago will go on sale to the public on Friday, May 10 at 11am local time
****Philadelphia will go on sale to the public on Friday, May 10 at 12pm local time
[SKOA PREMIERE] + [SONG OF THE DAY] Niki Black - "Not Coming Up"
Just in time for a weekend that will be undoubtedly be full of Halloween parties I have a song from LA siren Niki Black that is nothing short of supernatural. “Not Coming Up”, the debut single from her forthcoming EP, wastes no time in allowing you to get to know Black, who studied feminist theology in college, as she cries out, “don’t forgive me father”, which I assume is derivative from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Whereas Christ was crying out for God to forgive those crucifying him for sinning against God, Black does not wish to seek for forgiveness, as the song is ultimately an arresting ode to her first queer relationship, which as we know, one does not need to seek any forgiveness for. “I felt the church to be central to the song’s idea of being denied entrance to heaven because of your sexuality,” explains Niki. Spoiler alert / non shocker here: Black is also tremendously involved in women’s rights and LGBT initiatives.
Her forthcoming EP, which is slated for an early 2019 release, offers up Black’s perspective on femme sexuality through her feminist theological lens. “I was enchanted by old Judaism, namely the mythology of the female demon Lilith, and how she mirrors Eve,” shares Niki. “The thousands of years of interpretations of the myths of the religious texts are goldmines in the way that they illuminate my creativity and thoughts, and also how they inform so many of our modern generation's conscience, especially when it comes to sexual politics.”
To a certain extent, the EP is like Dante's Divine Comedy, describing the journey from heaven to oblivion, or hell. “I wanted to retell that descent from a modern feminine perspective, one of the damned, which some of us may feel like sometimes, or all the time....whether it's from religion directly, from a relationship, or from yourself,” shares Niki.
Before today I didn’t have a playlist called “Songs To Sin To”, but here we are…
Have a safe weekend, fam! Happy sinning ;)
[SONG OF THE DAY] Chris Ayer - "Stranger"
Fam, it’s time you got well acquainted with Los Angeles artist Chris Ayer. After dropping tracks like “Stay Another Night” and “Heavy” in 2017, I have been eagerly waiting to hear what 2018 would have in store for him. According to my sources (ie: from Ayer’s mouth on stage at Rockwood Music Hall stage 2 last week), “Stranger” is the first of many singles to come this fall and well through next year. While “Stay Another Night” and “Heavy” indicate that he’s ready to be more than *just* a singer-songwriter, from a lyrical standpoint you can tell from “Stranger” that Ayer is ready to deeply examine his personal experiences and be a lot more vulnerable than he’s been in the past.
As he told Atwood Magazine on Tuesday when they premiered the song, “I always try to find an honest way of telling a story, but for me this song ended up striking a nerve in a really specific way. It can be a strange time to try to make real new connections in the world, so I just wanted to reflect that, and just how weird it can be to be a person sometimes. “
how weird it can be to be a person sometimes. Yeah, this dude is clearly my people. haha.
There are so many different things you can take away from “Stranger”. With every listen it stirs up different micro frustrations about how difficult it feels to deeply connect with people now. It’s one of those songs where you learn a lot about yourself that you probably otherwise wouldn’t have without this additional point of view.
After jaunting across the pond for a few dates in the UK and The Netherlands, Ayer will be hitting the road in the US with Matt Simmons in November. You can grab tickets and more info over on his website.
[Watch] SIVIK - "High" (Official Video)
Here is another photograph of the side of SIVIK's face....
After over a year of playing this song in unhealthy amounts, Nashville/LA artist SIVIK has finally unveiled a video for his addictive (pun intended obviously) single, "High". The video is...fine. It's your standard "here is a pretty girl dancing in slow motion against a crisp background" for the majority of it. The only payoff for the video in my opinion is I KNOW WHAT MORE THAN PART OF THE SIDE OF HIS HEAD LOOKS LIKE NOW.
Hooded almost the entire time, SIVIK hints that he might actually be ready to step out into the spotlight and take what should rightfully be his if he were aggressive enough. I get that opting to go the mysterious route sounds nice, but if after a year of elusive press/EP photos you decide to appear in your own video and you're being spliced in hooded and poorly lit, it comes off less mysterious and more self conscious. This makes no sense to me because HE'S COMPLETELY ADORABLE.
You can't hide from me, SIVIK. I am an OG nerd so I ripped your video in order to get the best possible screenshot of your cute little face:
Poorly lit but THERE HE IS! Shy SIVIK??
I know this is a weird thing to be critical of, but folks who are committed to being mysterious wear masks, use animations as representations of themselves, etc. They really lean into it.
I think SIVIK wants to be seen.
I think SIVIK needs to be seen.
And heard.
...by lots and lots of people.
It has definitely been awhile since he released anything new so I'm excited that next month he's slated to release a new single, "All Day All Night".
Until then, please feel free to re-watch this video as many times as you need to so you can get the image of the side of his head replaced with his cute little face.