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photo credit: Anna Partington
Our first taste of SAKIMA’s upcoming full length, Project Peach, dropped yesterday, which means your Saturday is about to get hella sexy. In true SAKIMA fashion, “Holy Water” is a come-to-Jesus (heh) moment between lovers. It’s a beautiful moment of vulnerability all the while maintaining a sense of self-worth. You can’t be more up front with someone than saying, “So if you make me love you like I think you are then boy, I’m fucking sacred, better treat me like I’m holy water”. Even though I’m of the opinion that SAKIMA could sing the phonebook and I’d be on board with it, if this level of intimacy is what we’ll be getting for this upcoming album, it’s going to be just peachy. 🍑
HAPPY PRIDE EVERYONE!!!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🌈👨❤️👨👩❤️👩
Yesterday, Billboard premiered London crooner SAKIMA's latest soft and ultra sensual single, "Show Me", which is all about communicating sexually with your body.
Upon playing this track a good, oh I dunno, 20 times this morning, I had this nice moment of reflection of how beautiful it is that as more voices are being lifted up in music that we are getting so many different new ways to hear about expressing love, passion, lust, romance, etc. With his last few releases, SAKIMA has been boldly tackling the queer romance and queer sex from his perspective, all the while, as he told Billboard continually battling with feeling fully sexually liberated in the process. The thing that will always keep me coming back to SAKIMA is his hypnotically soothing voice, which sometimes puts you in a sexy stupor and in other moments (such as "Show Me") there's such a tenderness to his delivery that it evokes memories of being young, wanting to fall in love, make love, etc.
The lovely London lad is currently working on a new project, which he's still determining the full scope of but is calling "Project Peach" and "it's going to be a complete celebration of queer art, queer iconography, queer stories, all of it." Obviously if there's no full scope of the project yet there's no release date to relay, but more updates on that as it reveals itself.
[SONG OF THE DAY] Fischerspooner (feat. Caroline Polachek) - "Togetherness"
When last we met, Fischerspooner was reportedly dropping SIR on September 22nd. It would appear that they felt like they needed more time to roll this record out, unfortunately. That said, if the rest of the record continues to be as uncontrollably hot as "Have Fun Tonight" and today's song of the day, "Togetherness", then obviously it's going to be worth waiting until February 16th now.
If you haven't seen the video yet and are into perfectly sculpted bodies then it is an absolutely must see. Also really into Caroline Polachek's addition to the track. Very nice touch.
NYC fam PLEASE go to Brooklyn Steel tonight because I ran off on tour and cannot. I am trying not to punch myself in the face for missing their first NYC show in like 10 fucking years. Go go go. Please go. Oh my god please go.
[Video] Fischerspooner - "Have Fun Tonight" (Official Video)
Photo by Asger Carlsen
But honestly I wasn't ready for how hard the first *official* single from Fischerspooner would hit me.
I am truly blown away by "Have Fun Tonight". There's seriously so much going on here that with every spin I find Casey Spooner doing a number on my #feels as he delivers each lyrical blow. The song is described as, "a queer dance ballad about polyamory (...or polyagony) encouraging your lover to go out and have fun without you". It was co-written by a Michael Stipe and BOOTS and comes from their forthcoming album, Sir, which will be out on September 22nd courtesy of Ultra. That's right, fam. We FINALLY have a release date. Let the countdown begin!
What's interesting about the performance that Spooner gives on "Have Fun Tonight" is that it can lead you into interpreting the song a slightly different way each time you listen to it. By the end of my first listen I was convinced that this was the perspective of someone feeling trapped in a poly relationship that they didn't really want to be in. Another time I thought this could be taken as a brief moment of insecurity as all long term relationships have. Then in a different instance I considered the lyric, "I can't imagine anyone can love you like I can" to be the hint that the perspective is actually a lot more confident than previously though. The words are all chosen so carefully that in spite of it being written with a polyamorous relationship in mind that it can speak to people in all walks of life because every intimate relationship has a certain level of complexity to it as this particular one has.
Another thing I am loving about "Have Fun Tonight" is the context that it has provided to the first Sir-related song that was quietly half-released last year, "Everything Is Just Alright". As previously reported by yours truly, Spooner has said that this record was going to be "unabashedly homosexual". At the time with just "Everything Is Just Alright" as a reference point I wasn't sure where Fischerspooner was planning to take us, but with side by side listens of both EIJA and HFT it sounds like it could be anywhere - from the booze soaked dance floor of a gay bar to bedroom of longtime lovers and everywhere in between.
In addition to the news about Sir, Fischerspooner have revealed that there will also be a museum show called SIR at MUMOK in Vienna, which will run June 29 to October 29, and that an art book will be released along with the exhibit.
The Future Is Looking Bright: A New Fischerspooner Album Appears To Be Coming Very Soon....FINALLY
Fischerspooner gonna Fischerspooner. 📷: Vincent Urbani
I haven't been able to stop thinking about this Instagram Story since I saw it two days ago.
Thank the lorde I recently decided to split my attention between Snapchat and Instagram Stories otherwise I would have missed out on this VERY interesting hint of awesome things to come:
from Casey Spooner's IG story
Do you guys remember almost a year ago TO THE DAY when the heavens briefly parted and sent down a Fischerspooner track in the form of a NICOPANDA video with some really stellar choreography because I sure as hell do!
Definitely haven't played this video an embarrassing number of times since it came out. That would be crazy. 😳
So yeah that video dropped
happened. :(
Well actually that's not true.
If you're just catching up like admittedly I am, a little bit of news started to leak out near the end of last year.
To bring you up to speed, these are the things that we know:
A Fischerspooner album titled SIR is coming.
It supposedly has been done since February 2016.
It is "unabashedly homosexual" #respect
Michael Stipe both co-wrote and produced it.
There is a song on said album that is apparently so good that it made Casey Spooner CRY (!!!)
Things are trending towards a release date existing because contracts have been signed.
Are we on the same page yet? Do you understand why I legit had trouble going to sleep the other night after I saw this? It was already enough of a challenge to prepare myself for having Fischerspooner back, but then you factor in BOOTS and newcomers (to my ears) Crush Club in the mix with them, knowing all the while that Michael Stipe has been carefully keeping watch over this project....
the future is actually starting to look bright, you guys.
Are you excited?
I'm so excited!
(btw you need to read the entire NICOPANDA interview with Casey Spooner. Bless that man)
Steve Aoki, Fischerspooner, Hervé, Kid Sister, To Perform 'Together' Season Finale
There are times that I wish I lived in London. This is one of those times.
Closing out season one of as series of "16 special events" at the Corocet Theater in London called Together, hipster godSteve Aoki and friends/roster members of his label DIM MAK will be performing/DJing all night long on Friday (6/18). This includes (but does not limit to) performances by Aoki himself, Fischerspooner, Hervé, Kid Sister, Scanners, Motor, Don Diablo and more.
London, please do me this service by attending this event. I would kill to go to this.
Pick up tickets here. They're only £15.