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#SOTD: The Kickdrums - “Everything’s Great”
Image courtesy of The Kickdrums
Happy Saturdayyyy. Hope it’s been a lovely day wherever you are. I guess you can say “Everything’s Great” over here. 🥰 No but really, it only feels right to include longtime SKOA fam The Kickdrums in this latest reboot. It’s been a pleasure getting to know Fitts over the years. I think one of the best parts of doing this work is the friendships you make along the way, and it’s been really cool to witness the way that we’ve both evolved creatively since we met at the beginning of this whole endeavor.
Just the other day while Fitts and I were catching up over text, I happened to randomly inquire about his reasoning for releasing an album with minimal singing or lyrics on his latest album, Zig Zags. It was such a unique creative choice for him given how intimately I’ve come to know and love his catalog (and frequently utilize his singing as a security blanket of sorts) that I couldn’t help but ask. Anyway come to find out he apparently didn’t feel terribly inspired to deliberately say anything but still wanted to offer up some vibes. And lemme emphasize here for one and all: they are immaculate!
anyway It’s a nice having a vibey little reminder out in the universe for the world to enjoy alongside me that sometimes you don’t have to have something groundbreaking to say and that sometimes you can just show up in your authenticity in the moment and still have such a gorgeous impact on people’s lives.
diSKOAver weekly: Week of July 8, 2020
Here are 16 different ways I love you extra this week. 💖
OH SHIT LOOK WHO’S LOOKIN’ SNAZZZAAYYYYYYY. Yeah last week during my week of media deprivation I decided to pretty up some things around this web log. You like? 🥰
Also I found
music. 🙏🏻
We’re back to 16 tracks a week. That whole doubling up thing was really adorably ambitious of me, especially now that I want to post about all of the things again I don’t want to dread doing this playlist because tbh it’s one of my favorite things to do. It is a labor of love, emphasis on the labor, but you know, whatever.
With that, here are the 16 ways I love you the most this week:
Woodes - ”How Long I’d Wait”
Tumbled into Woodes while checking out last year’s Golden Vessel record (more on him in a few). There’s something so captivating about her that I haven’t been able to put my finger on just yet. She’s practically mystical. Is she secretly a nymph? I need answers. Also she’s got a new song dropping on Friday called “Euphoria” and of course I will make sure you hear it when I do.
Arlo Parks - “Eugene”
When I say that Arlo Parks had me SOBBING for days after I found her that is not even remotely an exaggeration. In addition her penning some of the most deeply personal experiences in a way that will knock the wind out of you, there is something so tenderly piercing about her voice that whatever her words don’t do explicitly her voice is like, “hold up I got this imma make you feel EVERYTHING ok ok”. She recently did a really striking cover of Radiohead’s “Creep” that’s worth checking out, but you definitely have to hear “Black Dog” so you can have a good cry, too.
Nelson Kempf - “Hourglass”
So this is one of 3 tracks that are currently out right now from Nelson Kempf’s upcoming debut album Family Dollar (out on July 24). Apparently Kempf used to be more of a folky kinda musician, but after a decade of hardships he went more experimental. The record touches of the overlooked emotional experience that surrounds poverty. You could say it’s kind of a dark record, but I liken it to how sometimes light finds a way to pierce through a really dark room. Yeah, I guess it’s like that.
Tourist x The Range - “Last”
This is a cool little collaboration that’s a reflection on grief. Apparently as they were writing this they each heard the lyric differently. Tourist could hear, “you know you’re lost”, while The Range was hearing, “you know you’re last”. As Tourist notes, “The duality of that truth resonated with me, as both meanings are applicable when someone leaves us. It has struck a more personal chord recently, as recently one of my dearest friends passed away very suddenly.”
Georgia - “Started Out”
Last year I dropped another track from Georgia in this very playlist series and at some point I somehow reminded myself to check back to see if there was an album , finally got around to listening to Seeking Thrills, and y’all…. what a fucking cool record. I feel like this is a real launching point for her, so you should probably get in on this now.
Teenage Bad Girl - “Keep Up With You”
I’m sorry to be doing this to you, but I am absolutely giving you a band that will probably never make another thing again. I just fucking love good French electro way too much to not pass this along. Teenage Bad Girl existed between 2007 and 2011. I’ve spent the most time with their last record, Back Wash. This track (much like the entire album) has split me between elated and enraged because it slaps so fucking hard but like…this is it. Anyway it’s fucking awesome and you deserve to have this in your arsenal, too.
Cora Novoa - “over & done”
While trying to figure out every last detail about Teenage Bad Girl I crossed paths with their labelmate Cora Novoa (both are on Citizen Records). This Barcelona based bad bitch kinda does it all tbh. In addition to obviously being a music composer and a DJ, she also is the founder and creative director of her own label called SEEKING THE VELVET, which is for electronic and experimental pop music. She’s also an Abelton Official Trainer, music curator, etc. etc. She does a lot. She’s creative as fuuuuck. And she makes really fucking cool techno.
Sam I - “wishin’ (feat. bipolar sunshine)”
Here is me nagging you again to go listen to Random Shit From The Internet Era. This record has something for everyone in it. I would not lie to you. Also like, going to take a moment to throw Sam I some more love because like, all the features on this record are great. Hadn’t heard bipolar sunshine before this. Really loving him.
The Kickdrums - “Sunshine Guy”
I’m always a happy kid when Fitts surprises us with new music. Also dude dropping a track with a lyric “all these nights are blurring together” in the middle of quarantine is so goddamn spot on.
Marlana - “The Right”
So I’m just getting caught up to Marlana but don’t stress that means there’s more than enough time for you, too! She’s got an EP dropping on July 24th called At Least I Tried (which is quite excellent I must say). That said, I would be very fucking rude to you if I did not make sure you heard “The Right” before I get you squared away on everything else going on with this EP.
Nick Leng - “LEMONS”
Thanks to The Algorithm™ last week I came to know Nick Leng, who put out a record called LEMONS a couple of months ago. Things I have learned since thoroughly enjoying the South African born now LA-based singer-songwriter: the album is the result of an emotional breakup, the loss of a friend, and his house burning down - basically all at the same time. 😑 LEMONS. You get it now? Not for nothing though, the record put such a pep in my step that it made me teach myself how to make some bomb ass lemonade within a few hours of digesting the record. There’s a metaphor there, somewhere. I’ll let you find out for yourself what I’m saying.
Golden Vessel - “Hesitate (feat. Emerson Leif)”
I am going to do my very best to not turn this web log into a Golden Vessel fan site, but goddamn it was a really fucking good day when I put on last year’s SLOWSHINE last week. Funny enough, this is not on that record. I just like taking advantage of a 2 for 1 special in showing you new stuff. That said, Emerson Leif’s vocal + the magical vibeyness that is Golden Vessel’s production = yes please.
otta - “Near Enough A Woman”
otta has an EP dropping on Friday! (7/10). This track is not on it! Why did I do that? I don’t know. I guess I wanted to start with the basics with her so you could build to bumping Songbook? And this is like, definitely the basics compared to what you’ll hear on Songbook, which swings in a much more experimental direction. She’s expanding her musical palette and honestly with a voice like hers, she can get away with it.
Diplo - “do si do (feat. Blanco Brown)”
Man I don’t know. Sometimes you just gotta go with the hype. This song is really fun even though my thoughts on Diplo are a mixed bag. I’m trying to occasionally participate in mainstream-ish moments. This was what my ears agreed to this week? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tall Tall Trees - “Deep Feels”
I listened to A Wave Of Golden Things when it came out but hadn’t put it on in a minute. Lotta records are hitting different in quarantine and this one is no exception. I guess the minimal distractions made me notice the little details of this record that I likely missed on the pre-pandemic passthroughs on this album. There’s too many to share in this baby blurb, just trust me. Anyway “Deep Feels” specifically is just a quintessential summer feel good jam IMO.
Stilljill - “Some People”
LA indie psych-pop trio Stilljill recently dropped their debut EP, Waterslides, which celebrates the fluidity of femininity. As they told Ladygunn last week, “Womxn have historically been analogous to water – Sirens, Venus being born from seafoam, water and women as the birth and source of life. Womxn are often conditioned to be fluid or amenable when others won’t in ways that do not always serve us; i.e. compromising needs and desires, shifting ourselves or voices to suit spaces and male egos. Fluidity also means resilience, strength, and adaptability and we find power in that.” Take a second glance at the single artwork for their tracks, specifically the “river”. They are really thoughtful in every last detail of what they’re doing and I really appreciate that.
PS now would be a good time to remind you that you can sign up to get pinged every time I update this playlist, which means a post like this with my liner notes will be sitting in your inbox the literal second I smash that PUBLISH button and drag over the new tracks into the playlist. I am just saying. 😊
[SONG OF THE DAY] The Kickdrums - "Bubblegum"
OG SKOA fam Alex Fitts known as The Kickdrums to the rest of the world has been so busy making other people sound good that it’s been close to 2 years since he’s released anything of his own. Fortunately for us, not only do we finally have something to follow up “Love Is Fine”, but Fitts has also announced that he’ll be dropping an EP, La Playa, later this spring. The new track, “Bubblegum”, fits well into the realm of The Kickdrums signature sound, but it’s a little bit more airy and easygoing than anything he’s released in recent memory. Something tells me that the location where the track was recorded has something to do with it given that it was made in a small beach town in southern Spain called Estepona.
Taking the time out from his Brooklyn home base has very clearly done him some good. “I was trying to explore new and different combinations of music for me as a producer/singer,” Fitts explained, “At times my music may sound like a band, but it's really just me with a drum machine and some instruments.”
Good to have to back, bb. Keep ‘em coming!
#skoaradio 10/03/2015 liner notes
If you don't like music you can't sit with us.
It's chill af in NYC today. Literally. Like I'm having a hard time getting out of bed because I like my feet not being popsicles. I am writing this whilst I am still in bed. That said, the chill means that all the glorious fall albums are under way and CMJ is quickly approaching. I've also been on a steady streak of shows lately, which I will get up ASAP for you to see and be jealous of me. I'm also working to backdate all the show notes I kept saying I was upping and then rage quit because as you can see below these posts are intense as hell, you guys. OH WELL IT'S WORTH IT BECAUSE I LOVE DOING THIS!
Enjoy this weeks jams and be sure to grab the Spotify playlist below if you want to keep this mix around. As always, I'd love to hear from you so feel free to drop me a tweet and let me know what you thought of this week's show.
- Jacuzzi Boys - "Happy Damage"
- Happy Damage EP out now!
- Playing some shows on the other side of the pond in November.
- Aeroplane (feat. Benjamin Diamond) - "Let's Get Slow"
- New EP Page One Is Love out now!
- Just wrapped some shows in the US. I missed him in NYC. I am sad. :/
- Beck - "Dreams"
- Dude had low key hangs with Sir Paul McCartney this week for a PETA thing. #SQUAD. FRIKKIN. GOALS.
- Big Data (feat. Rivers Cuomo) - "Snowed In"
- Edward Snowden joined Twitter this week (this song was inspired by him). Forgot rule #1 of Twitter: TURN OFF YOUR NOTIFICATION EMAILS. Whoops.
- Touring like freaking crazy still. Will we see you at Webster Hall on November 6th with RAC?
- Late of the Pier - "Heartbeat"
- Sam Dust (the singer for LotP) is in a new project called LA Priest! See below. Yes, I played him twice in my show because IT'S MY SHOW AND I DO AS I PLEASE!
- Dillon Francis - "Coming Over"
- Still on tour with Zedd and the gang.
- Pick up This Mixtape Is Fire to keep you warm on those chilly fall nights.
- JR JR - "Gone"
- JR JR is out now! GRAB IT!
- Touring to support the new record like every good band should.
- Darwin Deez - "Time Machine"
- Pick up Double Down now!
- Touring the UK now, US up next! Wooo!
- Unknown Mortal Orchestra - "Ur Life One Night"
- Oops. Looks like the limited edition pink vinyl I have is sold out. You can haz a blue one tho. Or grab MP3s. Whatever.
- I don't think these guys are ever going home. Still touring. Bless you, fam.
- The Kickdrums - "Things Work Out"
- Breathe Again EP out now.
- Peep his latest project with Duckwrth too called Nowhere. It's goooood.
- Weaves - "Do You See Past"
- Grab their self-titled EP and their latest track "Tick" to get ready for their CMJ shows! (wow I really need to talk to them about organizing their tour dates better)
- Phases - "Betty Blue"
- Big Black Delta - "Its Ok"
- GIVE THIS MAN YOUR MONEY OKAY? But really, pledge your brains out for his next album.
- Just upped a new song from his upcoming album, Tragame Tierra, with Debbie Gibson (YES, THAT DEBBIE GIBSON).
- Passion Pit - "Let Your Love Grow Tall"
- Kindred has been out for awhile, still worth your dollars if you haven't bought it yet.
- On tour now.
- For Lean - "Just A Little Spirit"
- Quiet Day dropped this very week! YAYYYYY BROOKLYN BANDS!! They have some sexy as hell yellow vinyl on their website for this release, so hollllerrr at a band on their website if you wants it.
- Phoenix - "1901"
- Grab their latest Bankrupt! (or Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix so you can have the song I played)
- LA Priest - "Oino"
- Debut album Inji out now.
- I caught this lil cutie at Baby's All Right in BK this week. That writeup is coming soon. I promise.
- Supporting Tame Impala's shows in NYC and PA. Bust. They're all sold out already :(
- Also his website is trippy but fun to play with, so look at that.
- The Drums - "Money"
- Pick up their latest Encyclopedia now!
- Just announced 3 shows at Baby's All Right! ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT!
- The Getup Kids - "Holiday"
- You should probably own this record if you don't already. It's so perfect for the fall.
- Uh, they're playing a 20TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW in Brooklyn? Good Loki I'm old. Oh yeah, they're playing elsewhere too.
- The Streets - "The Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living"
- I miss you Mike Skinner. Please come back to us.
- PS If you haven't checked out The Story Of The Streets it is a great read. It's even cooler if you get the audiobook because Mike Skinner narrates it. I loved it.
- Tame Impala - "Yes I'm Changing"
- Go buy Currents. I absolutely love Currents. You must have Currents. (My colored version is sold out, #sorrynotsorry.)
- On tour now (remember our friends LA Priest are opening for them next week?)
- Francis & The Lights - "In A Limousine"
- Son Little - "Lay Down"
- Pre-order his debut album before it drops on 10/16! GET THE VINYL! GET READY TO SWOON!
- Touring like a madman and I love his mush face for it!
- Mansionair - "Pick Me Up"
- Grab their new EP Pick Me Up now!
- On tour in support of CHVRCHES!
- Show writeup from me ASAP! Saw them twice in a week! #blessed
- Run The Jewels - "Meowrly (BOOTS remix)"
- When you're done squealing in delight you can grab Meow The Jewels for $FREE.99. IT'S ALSO AVAILABLE ON VINYL AND I AM SERIOUSLY DEBATING IT.
- Don Diablo (feat. Maluca) - "My Window"
- Lots of stuff going on with his label, Hexagon
- When is this guy not touring, srsly?
- PS have you read my interview with him yet?
- Also I really hope this rumor/possible legit leak is true.
- Justice - "DVNO"
Topics discussed!
Vinyl Is Making More Money Than Ad-Supported Streaming
While US Apple Music Trials Are Ending, China Is Ushering In New Users
#skoaradio 08/22/2015
Really feeling this weeks show, you guys.
Things have been a whirlwind at SKOA HQ so show notes have been a little neglected the past couple of weeks. DON'T WORRY I plan on backdating some posts so y'all have the hookup though! Super excited about the new jams from Peaches, CHVRCHES, and Jacuzzi Boys from this week's show so feel free to drop me a line to let me know what you thought of those!
Until next week, fam!
- Tanlines - "All Of Me"
- Kate Boy - "Midnight Sun"
- Like I said, the video is so Fischerspooner-ific. Can't get enough!
- Playing some scattered shows across Europe, other than that not much else to see here.
- Tobacco - "Mexican Icecream"
- Happy Diving - "So Bunted"
- There's a limited pressing of this single, so if you're feeling this track you best get on this ASAP!
- Ladyhawke - "Blue Eyes"
- Nodaway - "Hairspray"
- The video for this song is hilarious (but also makes you want to make out)
- If you're in Nashville these Belmont boys are playing in the Belmont Battle of the Bands next week alongside COIN and some other great Belmont alumni.
- CHVRCHES - "Leave A Trace"
- New album Every Open Eye drops September 25th! You can pre-order it here.
- Earlier this week the band unveiled the video for "Leave A Trace"
- ARRWS (feat. Fem Fel) - "The Dark"
- From his upcoming EP Motionless For Hours.
- Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi (feat. Norah Jones) - "Seasons Trees"
- Danger Mouse is starting his own label called 30th Century Records and Autolux is his first singing! ISN'T THAT EXCITING!?
- Barbarossa - "Imager"
- Playing a couple of shows in September across the pond. Get on that ASAP UK fam!
- Rainer - "Skin"
- In addition to this song being played on Catfish last week here in the US on MTV, the band just released their debut album on clear vinyl! Get your hands on it before I do!
- The Chainsmokers - "Let You Go (A-Trak remix)"
- On tour now in the US. Go get your dance on!
- Big Black Delta - "It's OK"
- There's still time to pledge your life and hard earned money away. If you need convincing that BBD is worth the money always and forever we have not one but two interviews with him.
- Junior Senior - "We R The Handclaps"
- Mayer Hawthorne - "Handy Man"
- If you want to own this track you have to buy it via hammer shaped USB over at Mayer Hawthorne's site. Yep.
- Mackintosh Braun - "Could It Be"
- Man Without Country - "Romanek"
- The video for this song is trippy and I can't get enough of it.
- Ryan from MWC recently unveiled a new side project called Secular Ghost. You can check out his first track on Soundcloud.
- Hot Chip - "White Wine and Fried Chicken"
- Teen Daze - "Let's Groove"
- Walking Shapes - "Feel Good"
- Heading out on tour with Albert Hammond Jr. soon.
- Peaches (feat. Kim Gordon) - "Close Up"
- Rub is out September 28th!
- Hitting the road in October (like one should with a new album).
- Have you seen the video for this yet? You must!
- Dillon Francis - "Bruk Bruk (I Need Yo Lovin')"
- This Mixtape Is Fire is out now!
- Don't forget he's heading out on tour in support of Zedd on his upcoming True Colors Tour so be sure to grab tickets while you can for that.
- Don Diablo - "On My Mind (Radio Edit)"
- Still time to vote for Don Diablo on DJ Mag's Top 100 DJs!
- Dude is never not playing shows.
- Speaking of never not playing shows, you can see what life on the road is like in the video for "On My Mind"
- Oh yeah read my interview with him because he is a wonderful human being.
- Röyksopp - "Save Me"
- Superwalkers - "Judge Me"
- This interview with Superwalkers details my newfound fascination with them.
- Son Little - "Lay Down"
- His self-titled debut drops on October 16th! PRE-ORDER IT NOW AND SUPPORT MY AARON OKAY?
- On tour now. A few dates with Lord Huron (NICE) here and there. Go see him live and try to not get weak in the knees! I DARE YOU!
- The Kickdrums - "Breathe Again"
- Breathe Again is out courtesy of Fitts' own label!
- Jacuzzi Boys - "Sun"
- Check out the trippy video for this song.
- Grab "Sun" for $FREE.99 on Soundcloud!
- Happy Damage EP drops on September 18th!
Some Kind of Awesome Radio - 07/11/2015
Typing up all the show notes this week for once because I love you, fam.
YES! I'M ACTUALLY DOING SHOW NOTES FOR THIS WEEK! #sorrynotsorry but like I said in this week's episode I've been dealing with a bit of blogger burnout and even though doing the show is very therapeutic for me when you see how thorough I intend to be moving forward you will understand why I put this off for as long as I could. Again, I really appreciate those of you who listen and never get the promised show notes. NO MORE BROKEN PROMISES! Just quality #content in addition to a bunch of other new things in the works right now.
Hope you enjoyed this weeks show! Feel free to drop a comment here or hit me up on Twitter. I'd love to hear what you thought of this week's picks!
Until next week!
- Tuxedo - "Do It"
- Hitting the road for a mini tour this month! You can check out tour dates over on their site.
- Studio Killers - "Eros & Apollo"
- Ain't No Love - "Cry In The Rain"
- Dillon Francis - "Bruk Bruk (I Need Yo Lovin)"
- Hitting the road this month! Tour dates over on his site.
- This Mixtape Is Fire drops on August 14. You can pre-order it if you're into that.
- Vowws - "The Great Sun"
- Shows in July and August. More info over on Songkick.
- Ratatat - "Club Amnesia"
- Magnifique is out July 14th. You can stream the album in full via NPR.
- The Kickdrums - "Breathe Again"
- Monarchy (feat. Dita Von Teese) - "Girls & Boys (Blur cover)"
- Few shows lined up in the next month or so.
- ReVision out now. As is Abnocto.
- Caribou - "Silver"
- On tour now so get on it! Tour dates here.
- Interpol - "My Desire"
- On tour now! Sprout and I will be heading to the show in Broooklyn at the Prospect Park Bandshell. Will we see you there?
- Tame Impala - "Cause I'm A Man"
- The video for this song is super fun and full of puppets.
- Currents drops on July 17 - CAN YOU EVEN HANDLE IT BECAUSE I CAN'T. #zerochill
- Tour is in full swing and dates are selling out fast so GRAB THEM WHILE YOU CAN.
- Hot Chip - "Love Is The Future"
- They just upped these really fun Peanuts shirts in their merch store. I think I want the Snoopy one? idk
- Very much on tour right now.
- The Streets - "Two Nations"
- Fairly quiet in the Mike Skinner camp other than that single he did as The D.O.T. last year. Sigh.
- VHS or Beta - "Can't Believe A Single Word"
- Weaves - "Tick"
- Kenna - "Karma Is Coming"
- Things are in the works in Kenna camp! He just posted a series of videos on Facebook explaining his Land 2 Air Chronicles series. I know more because I'm awesome but can't say just yet. KEEP YOU'RE EYES PEELED FOLKS!
- Maiday - "Wish You'd Met Me First"
- More on Maiday in the coming weeks as I get to the bottom of this woman and her bru-tiful jams. Also getting into one of the producers on this track. More on that next week. :)
- Big Black Delta - "It's Ok"
- NEW ALBUM COMING SOON. Open your hearts and wallets and PLEDGE YOUR BRAINS OUT. (hey buddyyy!) Dude deserves this to get the crap funded out if it considering all his gear got stolen and his dad passed away. Rough year for Jonathan Bates but It's Ok.
- For now you can grab "It's Ok" over on Soundcloud.
- Kate Boy - "Midnight Sun"
- Do not ask me why you cannot buy this yet in the United States of America. I don't get it either. Take it away, UK!
- Few random tour dates if you're in other parts of the world.
- Don Diablo (feat. Emeni) - "Universe"
- I can't keep up with this dude. He's already gearing up to release another single called "On My Mind" which drops on July 27. This teaser for it has got me wanting to dance in space.
- Voting is open for Top 100 DJs so get to voting so my chocolate chip cookie recipe can have more street cred since they're Don Diablo (and Mama Diablo) approved.
- Lily Allen - "Close Your Eyes"
- Animal Kingdom - "The Art of Tuning Out"
- ANAMAI - "Lucia"
- Few shows coming up.
- Dangermouse & Sparklehorse / Dark Night Of The Soul (feat. Julian Casablancas) - "Little Girl"
- Until The Ribbon Breaks - "Taste of Silver"
- Biffy Clyro - "Stingin' Belle"
BONUS JUST FOR YOU FAM! I'm also making playlists on Spotify for every single show. NO SHUFFLE THO BECAUSE THAT'S CHEATING! Additionally, as the shows become available on iTunes I will update each post with a link to the show for your listening pleasure. Enjoy!
[Record Store Day 2015] Fun Things To Talk About With Strangers While You're In Line Waiting to buy Records
I'm not sure what Record Store Day is like anywhere other than in NYC, but here it's nuts. My fondest RSD memory was back in 2011 when I rolled up to Sound Fix (RIP) at 8am and stood in line with Alex and Sami from CoS for 2 hours until the store opened. It was a brutal 2 hours because the night prior Sprout and I had gone out with Fitts from The Kickdrums and had more Jameson than people who needed to get up early (or be alive for that matter) should every drink. Even still, despite the worst hangovers of our lifetimes (it is now the one we have compared every other hangover to ever since) it's hard not to think fondly of the moments where we were gushing about the releases we were hoping to get, the Sound Fix folks bringing coffee and pastries for all of us waiting in line, and the overall sense of community that is felt on this and every Record Store Day since.
Record Store Day is a my favorite day to celebrate my favorite thing with my closest friends. Unfortunately, not everyone has a built in posse to roll up to those long RSD lines. You may heading out to RSD solo. Even if you're not, this is a rare opportunity that comes once a year to meet a chunk of people all at once that have presumably the same interests as you, so instead of burying your face in your phone, take advantage of the situation and strike up a conversation!
First impressions are important and we want everyone to know how you're some kind of awesome, so here are some fun things Sprout and I will hopefully be discussing with strangers outside of Rough Trade tomorrow:
- Phonograph records were originally pressed onto shellac! However during World War II the United States declared that shellac was a strategic material for the war and due to scarcity records started being pressed into vinyl, which is what is still used today. (Yale)
- Some folks in the universe claim that the best way to clean your records is by using wood glue and a credit card:
Warning: this guy does not feel the same about this method:
- Trying to put a price tag on music is complicated as hell, honestly. The history of it is pretty fascinating though. (Pitchfork)
- The first thing ever recorded was Ben Franklin singing/shouting Mary Had A Little Lamb and it was recorded onto a tin cylinder. (LiveScience)
PS this is what it sounded like:
If that tickled your fancy, this guy shows how Edison did the recording on the cylinders that they recorded to at the time:
- The most expensive record player as far as I've been able to hunt down is a whopping $300,000. It's called the Goldmund Reference II and it's a high-precision turntable with level calibration to less than 1/100th of a millimeter and its stylus, pivot and counterweight perfectly aligned for optimal dynamic balance. There's also three teflon tubes that prevent vibration of the wires as they carry signal from the turntable, amongst various other ultra fancy features. There are currently only 25 of them in the world because they only make 5 of them a year, so this is as limited edition as one can get. (Most Expensive, Music Stack, DJOYBEAT)
Are you for rocktism or are you more of a poptimist? Or are you just chill like us?
So, this is awkward, but is Record Store Day even good for the small independent stores that participate? (The Guardian)
I mean, you could probably debate/diss on Tidal for at least 2 hours. There's so much to discuss! Like how exclusivity like that can be detrimental to charting positions on Billboard, pretty much every artist other than the #TIDAL16 are like, "uh lol this is so dumb", but maybe doing things like featuring indie artists is a saving grace? (Probably not considering their CEO just stepped down and there are already layoffs.) Also WHAT ABOUT US FANS HUH #TIDAL16!?!? p.s. That "declaration" that Madonna mounted the table to sign is soo zzzzzz.
There's lots of legislation in the works at the moment to try to make the music industry a better place! They're considering amending the consent decrees for performance rights organizations ASCAP and BMI, some folks are hoping to overhaul the copyright law, there's a bill up for review right now that's trying to make sure mixers, producers, and engineers make money off via royalties, and there's a radio royalty bill up for debate that would make terrestrial radio finally pay for public performances (aka radio play) for music (this currently isn't the case, btw).
Uh, who among you are going to buy these limited edition releases and then NOT EVER LISTEN TO IT LIKE A CRAZY PERSON? A surprising 15%, apparently. (What HiFi?)
If you haven't made your list and checked it twice you need to do so because being unprepared can result in heartbreak so check out the Official List of Record Store Day Special Releases. There are lots of things going on tomorrow in celebration of the happiest day of the year so maybe see what your local store is doing. There's a TON of stuff going on in NYC that you should check out if you're in the area.
Don't forget to be VERY POLITE to the people working at your record store tomorrow because there is no doubt that they will be stressed out of their minds by the swarms of people coming out. Obviously be nice to your fellow shoppers, too. Some of us are short and can't reach the overhead shelves so offer to help out if you see someone struggling (Sprout was my savior last year with this). Who knows, maybe all these sweet tips will land you a record store bae (sorry, I had to).
And if you're going out for Record Store Day so you can buy a bunch of the ultra limited runs so you can put them up on eBay, please comment below so I can find you and slap you.
[Night Out] Big Data @ Bowery Ballroom (3/24/2015)
The irony was not lost on me last Tuesday night as I stood inside the Bowery Ballroom grinning ear to ear as the sweet sounds of Big Data washed over me and cheered amongst enthusiastic newcomers to the brilliance that is the work of my "broadband bud" Alan Wilkis.
(As longtime readers know, when the SKOA family chooses to champion an artist, we are in it for the long haul with them. We shout your name from the rooftops to anyone who will hear us, we celebrate every success no matter the size, and we patiently wait for the day when everyone else finally sees what we see in them: that they are some kind of awesome. A reminder: as nice as it may seem to have the bragging rights of knowing them before anyone else did, at the end of the day their success is our greatest pleasure and the most important thing to us.)
A little back story here: In early 2010, Rocko discovered this really great remix of RJD2 - "The Shining Path" which was done by none other than Mr. Alan Wilkis. After some digging we learned that he had also been working with The Kickdrums, which essentially sealed the deal for us in terms of giving him our full support. Alan proved to be a really chill dude who was even up for grabbing drinks with strangers from the internet the first time Rocko ever came to hang in NYC with the family.
I call him my "broadband bud" because other than bumping into Alan a few times at shows or the occasional bar, the extent to our friendship has been strictly digital. This is not a complaint, it's just how life is now. These days you make a brief physical connection to someone once and thanks to the power of the internet it's possible to never really shake certain people. Mind you, this isn't all THAT uncommon in the music business, but it still doesn't make the concept any less silly. In addition to the ongoing support for his many remixes and projects on the site, myself and the rest of the SKOA family have mostly exchanged a few tweets, likes, and emails over the course of our 5 year friendship. That all said, as I stood in front of him last night snapping photos feeling prouder of him than I have of my own accomplishments in the past 5 years, I couldn't help but laugh at myself and what our society has become with help from our good ol' friend technology.
As you will soon learn from hearing his debut album, 2.0, or experiencing his thought provoking live show, my broadband bud Alan shares the same conflicted feelings that I do about where we are in this new age of technology. We all want to feel connected, but there are so many complicated icky things that come with being a citizen of the internet, especially now more than ever. The Siri-esque AI that MCs Big Data's show last night was certainly not one to shy away from bringing up topics such as the data mining that is used by websites to sell products to us, claiming that they "know us" as if they were our "friends". You're probably being delivered one of those fun ads on this very page that you're reading, in fact. (Sorry.)
After the band closed out the evening with their breakout hit, "Dangerous", I queued the coat check line, enduring the incessant gushing of a new fan with unfortunately bad breath. I pondered whether to seek out Alan and congratulate him based on the newfound invalidity my relationship suddenly felt that was brought on in part by the very experience that he had been responsible for delivering that evening. I was very uneasy because I have always taken the approach to celebrate and embrace the majority of what the internet has to offer, but I worried that maybe my approach was, if I may attempt to make a pun here, dangerous, because it has slowly made so many aspects of my life such enormous gray areas, relationships included. Then I considered that whatever way I have been internetting brought me to this moment of self-reflection by means of someone who I considered an albeit casual friend, so maybe the internet couldn't be all that bad.
I ushered some girls who had been attempting to talk to me throughout the opening bands back upstairs so they could meet Alan. One actually gushed to him that she thought he was going to be the next LCD Soundsystem. It was a pretty adorable moment. After I had a brief rock mama moment with Alan, my new friends wanted wanted to make sure they could tag me in their Instagram photos so presumably we would be tied together to this one moment indefinitely on the internet (btw - I'm the one snapping photos in that photo, obvi).
It's weird how I never even thought twice about this kind of interaction until this show, but I guess that just means that 2.0 really does sink in when you're not caught up in all of the uncontrollable hip shaking that occurs when listening to it.
If it's not clear by now, you really need to give 2.0 a spin if you haven't already over on Spotify or via the Rdio player below. You can also be amazing and pick it up on iTunes.