diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023
diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023 β
[Listen] The Hives - "Insane" x "High School Shuffle" Prod. Josh Homme
We got to enjoy the new album from The Hives, Lex Hives, earlier in the week but as the week's progressed some more new tracks from the band have hit the net. On the deluxe edition of the release there comes some extra tracks, produced by Josh Homme at his very own Pink Duck Studios. First up via Rolling Stone you can listen to "Insane" before treating your ears to "High School Shuffle" via RCRD LBL. Happy Friday listening.
They're both after the jump and "Insane" auto-plays as a little word of warning incase you have headphones on and turned up rather loud as I did. The initial riff may hurt a little if so.