diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023


diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023 βœ…

Coachella, Reviews, Tour Adrian Coachella, Reviews, Tour Adrian

[Coachella 2013] Watch Full Sets from The xx, Blur, Vampire Weekend and Earl Sweatshirt, Highlights from Many More

The first weekend of Coachella flew by, and there were lots of memorable moments. Hell, R. Kelly joined Phoenix onstage in a surprise moment of the festival. Given the nature of the festival, with its well-established live streaming and eager fans with cameras in hand, it wasn't long before a decent amount of videos hit the web. After the jump, you can check out a whole swath of these uploaded videos, including full sets from The xx, Earl Sweatshirt, Blur and Vampire Weekend along with shorter clips from so many more. The joys of technology.

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