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#SKOARADIO 07/18/2015

me going through all the new music this week

Oof. Really stoked for this show and because I submitted it late it was a little borked airing. You didn't even get to hear the last two segments. :( All good though! There's always next week (not to mention the podcast that will be attached to this show shortly). But yeah, trying to get back to digging out those little diamonds in the rough that I enjoy supporting. Plus HELLO NEW KENNA!! *praise hands emoji* A lot to be excited about. Expect more posts in between this show and the next with more info on the bands we're featuring.

As always feel free to let me know what you thought of this week's show either by dropping a comment here or hitting me up on Twitter.

Until next week!





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[Listen] SEØUEL -"Subtle"

Feast your ears on the aptly titled track "Subtle", which is the latest from London-based Scottish producer SEØUEL. The tune comes from his forthcoming EP Reykjavik, which is due on July 24th courtesy of Disorder Recordings. As the EP name would suggest, the EP was inspired by sights and sounds of Iceland's capital. The EP is a followup to last year's EP, Prague (which you can stream tracks from over on Soundcloud), so clearly we are getting a feel for the mysterious beatmaker's ability to absorb the world around him and create on the go.

Gotta say, it's impressive how transformative he is from EP to EP and track to track. It's very easy to get lost in a trippy electronic record, but in the case of Reykavik SEØUEL takes you on a journey through the icy dark countryside of one of Europe's most isolated and dramatic countries all the while keeping your full attention throughout the experience. 

Once you've enjoyed "Subtle" below, be sure to dig through his Soundcloud for more dark delectable delights. 

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