diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023


diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023 βœ…

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[Listen] Daft Punk - "Drive"

Back in the early 90s, legendary robotic duo Daft Punk were just a couple of young music lovers trying to get noticed. Upon meeting their House idols Slam, Daft gave them a demo tape, which eventually landed them a deal with Soma Records. While under the Soma label, the duo released only two singles, but there were many more track submissions that didn't make the cut. Fast forward to today, and it was announced that one of those tracks has been unearthed. The track, titled "Drive," was made by the French electronic duo in 1994, and, until today, has never been heard by the public. The song was discovered by Soma late last year, and will be included on Soma's 20th anniversary retrospective. You can read the story of their discovery, as well as listen to the song itself, after the jump. Thanks to 107.7 The End for the heads up.

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