diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023
diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023 β
[News] Live At Leeds Announces Line-up: Marina, Los Campesinos!, The Subways & Ladyhawke to play
Live At Leeds has just been announced to take place in, you've guessed it, Leeds, Yorkshire between the 4th of May and 6th of May at 9 venues across the city totalling 11 stages in total! The lineup includes Example who will play an event at the Millennium Square supported by Wretch 32 whilst other bands playing the city include Marina and the Diamonds, Spector, Los Campensinos!, Ladyhawke, Reverend And The Makers , The Subways, Dot Rotten and a load more. Full list after the jump. For more info jump over to the official website here.
[Watch] Marina and the Diamonds - "Fear and Loathing" x "Radioactive"
Marina and the Diamonds return to the consciousness of many this month with two videos in quick succession. Marina has let loose two visuals for her tracks and not only that she's looking a little blonder in part deux wouldn't you say. The new sound is refreshing whilst keeping with her poppy routes. Give "Fear and Loathing" a watch at the top whilst "Radioactive" is viewable after the jump.