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[Listen] Earl Sweatshirt - "Dat Ass"

FREE EARL! Where ever Earl Sweatshirt may actually be, dead, away at boarding school, maybe even at home playing X-Box, who know. Well today we get a little bit of a treat from a couple years back. Back in 2009 before he became Earl Sweatshirt he went by the name of Sly Tendencies, this is before he was part of OFWGKTA with Tyler and Co. A video appeared yesterday via the Odd Future Tumblr and today we have the track minus the Skateboarding sounds. Cool right? Who knows if we will ever hear more from Earl, if Tyler's tweets saying that Earl's Mom won't let him release anything he made then we could have a long wait on our hands. Rumour has it there are more tracks hidden out there so hopefully someone will feel generous and up them in due course. For now, enjoy some nice flowing Earl Sweatshirt aka Sly Tendencies.

Earl Sweatshirt (of OFWGKTA) - "Dat Ass" by Some Kind of Awesome

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