diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023
diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023 β
[Review] Mux Mool "SKULLTASTE"
You may have seen Mux Mool's name on various compliations in the past. Mool's music has been featured on Adult Swim Bumps and even the TV show CSI: Miami. He has worked with alot of midwest artists (as he originally resided in Minneapolis before moving to Brooklyn, NY) like Big Quarters, P.O.S, and Prof and even indie acts like Destro, Pocket and The Lookbook. Now his full length debut album SKULLTASTE, released just yesterday on Ghostly International, will hopefully launch Mool into the position within the electronic community that is suited for someone with the amount of talent that he has.
Kibbe and I sat down and had a few listens of SKULLTASTE, our two cents complete with our new official bottle ratings are after the jump.