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[Watch] Weezer - "Perfect Situation" Feat. Jorge Garcia

I couldn't resist the urge to post this when I saw Weezer had popped it up on their Youtube channel. Weezer are literally everywhere at the moment and at their not so secret show for AXE earlier in the week tonnes of footage has appeared online of them performing with a few very special guest. As mentioned earlier in the week Gerrard Way and Co joined the band on stage to perform 'My Name is Jonas" and for your viewing today we have Jorge Garcia aka Hurley from LOST on stage performing "Perfect Situation".


 Now forget all the controversy over the albums name and whether the whole Jorge being on the cover was a cover up for Hurley Clothing sponsoring the band etc etc. I couldn't care less how Weezer put the album out, they wanted to record it, they had the tracks to put down and they got it done. I'm happy with that. Check out Jorge Garcia caught up in the moment while Rivers looks on in awe at the big man. If you haven't seen the Gerard footage yet, the same user uploaded that too, click to watch that too. Anyone else got that Friday feeling?  You may also want to check Weezer out on their Blinkerton tour, dates after the jump.

I couldn't resist the urge to post this when I saw Weezer had popped it up on their Youtube channel. Weezer are literally everywhere at the moment and at their not so secret show for AXE earlier in the week tonnes of footage has appeared online of them performing with a few very special guest. As mentioned earlier in the week Gerrard Way and Co joined the band on stage to perform 'My Name is Jonas" and for your viewing today we have Jorge Garcia aka Hurley from LOST on stage performing "Perfect Situation".


 Now forget all the controversy over the albums name and whether the whole Jorge being on the cover was a cover up for Hurley Clothing sponsoring the band etc etc. I couldn't care less how Weezer put the album out, they wanted to record it, they had the tracks to put down and they got it done. I'm happy with that. Check out Jorge Garcia caught up in the moment while Rivers looks on in awe at the big man. If you haven't seen the Gerard footage yet, the same user uploaded that too, click to watch that too. Anyone else got that Friday feeling?  You may also want to check Weezer out on their Blinkerton tour, dates after the jump.

From Weezer.com:

"Memories Tour"

November 26 & 27
Los Angeles, CA
Gibson Amphitheatre
I Love All Access VIP Package Early On Sale: Fri Sept 24 at 1:00pm – links on Friday!
American Express Early On Sale: Sat Sept 25 – Thurs Sept 30
Public On Sale: Fri Oct 1

November 29 & 30
San Francisco, CA
Nob Hill Masonic Center
I Love All Access VIP Package Early On Sale: Fri Sept 24 at 1:00pm – links on Friday!
American Express Early On Sale: Sat Sept 25 – Sat Oct 2
Public On Sale: Sun Oct

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