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[Watch] R.E.M. - "We All Go Back To Where We Belong" (Feat. Kirsten Dunst or John Giorno)

Yes, you read that title correctly. R.E.M. have created not one but two visuals to accompany their final ever single, "We All Go Back To Where We Belong". The song will also feature on the their career spanning greatest hits LP, Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage: 1982-2011. Michael Stipe and director Dominic DeJoseph joined forces to put together two simple yet moving black and white videos to accompany the song. One features Kirsten Dunst and can be viewed at the top whilst the other is viewable after the jump. The latter features poet and performance artist John Giorno. Give them a watch and pick up the greatest hits when it's released on November 5th via Warner Bros. 

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