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[SKOA Premiere] As Elephants Are - "War Cry" (Official Video)

We're happy to give you the first look at the brand new video from As Elephants Are, a band based down in the south of England, Buckinghamshire to be a little more precise. These guys are full of promise. This track titled "War Cry" has an epic score full of monstrous crescendos and catchy hooks. I can't quite put my finger on what artists it reminds me of but what I do know is these guys are looking like bright prospects in the coming months/years. Dance worthy drums with reverb filled guitars transport you away distant memories you'd once forgotten. The chorus' lyrics paired with the huge build are sure to raise a few hairs on the back of your neck. Check out the colourful kaleidoscopic visual accompaniment up at the top.

The track will be released on the 6th of August via the Once Upon A Time Records Singles Club. The independent label will release singles of bands they deem worthy. We'll be looking out for their future release indefinitely.

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