[Listen] The Glitch Mob presents Drink The Sea: The Remixes Vol. 1

The Glitch Mob drop their long awaited remix album Drink The Sea featuring remixes by King BrittESKMOBeats AntiqueEPROMDJ VadimDeru, SPL, Mr. ProjectileKastleNalepaR/DVirtual BoyMachinedrum,JoggerSkeet SkeetSt. AndrewThem JeansChris De Luca, SalvaCamo UFOsCommaPawnMirko Kosmos, and Mindelixir.

If you donate $10 to help rebuild Haiti, you will get Drink The Sea: The Remixes Vol 1, as well as Vol 2 on February 12th. You will also have access to a growing catalog of music from other artists contributing to DownloadtoDonate.org for the entire year. Donations benefit Music For Relief which supports nonprofit organizations working on the ground in Haiti. Thanks to support from Causecast.

Check out the stream for Vol.1 below and then head over to TGM website to grab a free MP3 of Sub Swara’s remix for the track Starve The Ego and to purchase this album for a good cause.


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