[News] Flying Lotus Gives Away Music Via Web App.

Remember back in December when we got a listen to a BBC Radio One Session with Flying Lotus? Well in that interview he said he'd be rewarding fans with some free music. He has created an app called Trigger which you can check out on his official site. The app itself works by taking picture of your copy of Flying Lotus']Cosmogramma (you can also use the PDF booklet if you got your copy on iTunes).

The app then analyses your image and recognises if you do in fact have a copy of Cosmogramma. In return you are rewarded with alternate versions of Cosmogramma tracks and album outtakes. So if you've got the album within reach go grab yoruself some bonus tracks! Check out the demonstartion video above for a first hand look at the app.


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[Listen] Bomarr (of Restiform Bodies) - "Don't Swim With The Sharks" Feat. Zackey Force Funk